Extensions for your stock

Stock, with its value flows, has a significant effect on the company’s results. Optimised inventory and correct production costs are the foundation. We show you how to increase data quality and obtain plausible values in scenarios for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Solution scenarios for your stock

Inventory valuation made easy

To present the stock value on the balance sheet cut-off date, you need informative documentation for the auditor. Quickly and easily determine stock values according to certain criteria and maintain precise evidence.

Valuation according to the strict lowest value principle

Evaluate your products according to the strict lowest value principle. Criteria such as mobility, age structure, expiration date or range are taken into account. Or carry out specific valuation adjustments.

Valuation of stock value without Excel

Do you still calculate your stock value on the balance sheet date using complicated formulas in Microsoft Excel? Avoid thousands of Excel operations and formula errors! Let your system independently calculate all valuation rules, saving you time and money.

Optimisation of stock through the best possible depreciation of items

Evaluate your stock in the best way possible. No matter whether monthly, quarterly or once a year for the annual inventory! Taxes can be saved with the best possible depreciation scenarios according to your own set of rules.

Other solution scenarios

Subsequent conversion of the stock issue method

Was the wrong stock issue method chosen when the item was created? Do you want to convert your products to third-party production and need to change the stock issue method flexibly? With Costing Method 365, you subsequently change the stock issue method upon which the valuation is based for items that have already been posted.

Change of ‘fixed’ unit price and change of ‘serial number group’

Do you want to set a new ‘fixed’ unit cost due to organisational requirements and change the batches or lot number groups even though they still have stock with the old information? Adjust your inventory – quick and easy.

Reconciliation of general ledger financial accounting with sub-ledger inventory

Help! My stock value doesn’t match the financial accounting. Adjust your stock to match financial accounting. Identify incorrect postings, find differences, analyse details and take corrective measures.

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CKL was founded in 1997 and became internationally known for its cost and performance accounting.


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